After a meeting of their executive body held at the Sabha Bhawan, the President Dogra Sadar Sabha and former minister (DSS) whole heatedly appreciated the number of development works announced for being initiated in the Jammu region by the central government. He
Expose, book true culprits, lift curfew; DSS & AJCSF to Guv Maintain communal harmony, isolate bad elements
In an extraordinary meeting of the Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS) and the All Jammu Civil Society Forum (AJCSF) the President and members paid tributes to the martyred CRPF and Army/ Police personnel with special reference to the Dogra Muslim
Purmandal holds special reverence in Duggar society: Charak
DSS conducts cleanliness drive ahead of the historic 25th Chhari Yatra on APRIL 2, 2019. Purmandal Shrine is considered as one of the most revered pilgrimage centres by the Dogras and holds extraordinary significance as the last rites of people
The DSS Political Affairs Committee goes to public
We Dogras are threatened of our existence in the state due to present day politics played by self centered, so called, Jammu leaders who overlooked conspiracies to divide and rule us. We, the Dogras, consolidated the state of J&K by
Traditional Dogriyat marked DSS Lohri celebrations
As an annual ritual, the Dogra Sadar Sabha celebrated the Lohri festival in the traditional way under their president Th. Gulchain Singh Charak at the Dogra Bhawan on the 13thof January 2019. Members of the Sabha assembled at the Sabha
DSS Condoles Gandola Deaths, Questions Project Propriety
In a special meeting held at the Dogra Sadar Sabha Bhawan, the Sabha expressed their deep sorrow on the loss of two precious lives and five injured during the mock trial run of the Gandola project. The meeting presided by Th. Gulchain Charak,
Dogra Sadar Sabha Celebrates Republic Day
The 70th Republic Day was celebrated by Dogra Sadar Sabha at its Sabha Bhawan Dogra Hall, Jammu. Th. Gulchain Singh Charak Former Minister and President DSS hoisted the national flag which was followed by National Anthem and pledged to
AJCSF seeks Governor’s indulgence on burning issues
The convener of the All Jammu Civil Society Forum (AJCSF), Th. Gulchain Singh Charak convened a special meeting of the Forum today the 24th January 2019 to discuss the various important burning issues concerning the Jammu Division at